Tuesday, August 1, 2017

16. Counter-productive

I just got the most irony filled reprimanding given to me. The intention -whether good or not- doesn't even matter anymore if it was delivered in the most contradicting choice of verbal pitch, words and body movement ever. It looked much more of a threat than a helpful advice. Love and care? hell, all I got from that was spite. "If you're not gonna take care of your body, I'm gonna beat you up". I'm confused, was I supposed to be well or he'll make me unwell; more than I've already been doing to myself? Oh, you mean well? Try not threatening me, not that it can go any lower anyway.

But, that's just me ranting anyway. If you have a problem and don't know how to deal with it?
Just leave, see where it goes. then you'll know whether or not it was a problem.

Monday, July 31, 2017

15. Manipulative

I had the pleasure of experience distress by sitting on ground-zero of a fight that was about to break-out. I'll spare the story so that I wouldn't appear to be taking sides. But from what I heard from their own statements. 1 was trying to manipulate the other into imploding by taunting him with words. the other however, was more resilient, experienced and smarter. Making him more than able counter his provocations and give cunning comebacks which ironically provoked the guy who shot first. Point is, if you were trying to openly provoke someone and can't handle the same provocation used on you. then clearly you're the one in the wrong. Hopefully he'll realize that sooner than later

Sunday, July 30, 2017

14. Right to copy

21st century humanity has ran out of stimulus to create something new. We always had a drive for competition but once we win, then what? Ideas run out so we look at previous existing ones. Mix it-up a bit, add a few features of your own which was probably already made somewhere else. Then bam, it's basically yours already. It gets harder to tell an original from a remixed one and this applies to everything. Hopefully we get a stimulus in the future that would give us our passion for innovation once more

Saturday, July 29, 2017

13. Keeping-up

Everyone want's to experience the glorious master race that promised us 60 fps. I too dream of this in every waking moment of my life. Living in 13-25 Fps is no way to live at all. But when a game is good you practically don't care anymore and you just enjoy it. Money is needed to attain satisfaction. Funny how that works, since I'm thoroughly satisfied, is what I tell myself every time. I hope my video card holds-up so I can save-up for a war machine.

Friday, July 28, 2017

12. Can-do attitude

I like how I start most of my projects with a can-do attitude. I give it my all for the first few days then suddenly I just run-out of will to do so. I know I can do it, I know how, I just can't seem to keep going on after first contact. It's not me being lazy, believe me it's not. It's just when I sit there and start to do it, I get the feeling of not doing it but doing-it regardless at the same time not. I'm conflicted on whether to do it or not. I did notice however is that when I have to meet someone's expectations or fulfill promises is where I find the most drive to work. But, then again you shouldn't make promises you can't keep. Keep your hopes high and do what you can, when you can, if you can.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

11. Ego compensation

Not to contradict myself. But, why are people trying to provoke others on the internet? I know different kinds of people exist and they're just probably one of the less desired that exist. But seriously, are they compensating for something? we will never truly know. One of the better countermeasures I've discovered though is to simply ignore them. Yes I know it's hard. But consider this; it's harder for them since their ego doesn't get fed by your lack of response and therefore deflates. Hoping for a less provoking future.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

10. Devoid of Happiness?

There's nothing fun to do these days. Is what I say but what I really meant was; there's nothing fun you can do for cheap these days. You wanna have fun, you gotta be with someone if you want to go cheap. But what if you aren't? You'd look like a total wanker if you decided to "entertain yourself". Key to happiness? Money. Key to money? Working. Key to a sad life? Work you don't like. But fear not as the mere thought of money gives you enough hope to make it through the next payday.