Saturday, July 22, 2017

6. The internet is the real world. Get over it

You thought that flame wars only existed on the internet, tough luck kid. That's how people communicate in real life. Cursing is a form of language, it shows a persons expression and emphasis leaving the listener an impression. But why do you have to be so salty? There's no need for crass language. Because the more you use it, the more you give the idea to the reader/listener that you aren't educated enough to form a better sentence and therefore easily disproving you. Oh I'm wrong? You have a degree to prove it? A doctorate even? Well why don't you act/speak like it then? I'm not saying you should abstain yourself from disrespecting someone, just be smart/intellectual about it. The only respect you'd get from using crass vocabulary is the same as those who are born with it, nothing. I hope one day for a better smarter future on language. That's just wishful thinking.

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